CIE 2006 physiologically-relevant LMS basis functions (to 8 dp or 9 sf)

See: CIE (2006). Fundamental chromaticity diagram with physiological axes – Parts 1 and 2. Technical Report 170-1. Vienna: Central Bureau of the Commission Internationale de l' Éclairage. These functions are the same as the CVRL functions, proposed by Stockman & Sharpe (2000), but are provided to 8 decimal places for logarithmic functions or 9 significant figures for linear ones. The data are provided either as ascii csv (comma separated values) files, as ascii xml (extensible markup language) files, as html tables, which appear in your browser window, or as dynamic graphical plots. Select the data format, the data stepsize and the data units and click the "Submit" button. For further details and references click the icons.

Please note the logarithmic functions linked to this page are tabulated to 8 dp (or linear functions to 9 sf), in contrast to the standard functions, which are tabulated to 5 dp (or 6 sf). These functons are provided to facilitate calculations that avoid rounding errors. Versions to 5 dp (or 6 sf) can be found here.

Cone Fundamentals

2-deg LMS fundamentals based on the Stiles and Burch 10-deg CMFs adjusted to 2-deg

Energy (log)
Energy (linear)       5 nm Cones

10-deg LMS fundamentals based on the Stiles and Burch 10-deg CMFs

Energy (log)
Energy (linear)       5 nm Cones

Luminous efficiency functions

2-deg functions

Energy (log)
Energy (linear)       5 nm Cones

10-deg functions

Energy (log)
Energy (linear)       5 nm Cones

MacLeod-Boynton chromaticity coordinates

2-deg functions

      5 nm Cones

10-deg functions

      5 nm Cones