The Vos, Estévez and Walraven cone fundamentals are based on the following transformations
where ,
are the Stiles
& Burch (1955) color matching functions.
The functions given in energy units have been normalized in the ratio of L:M:S = 0.68:0.34:0.02 (see Vos, Estévez & Walraven, 1990, p. 942). The functions given in quantal units have been normalized to peak at 0.
functions tabulated in Table 1 of Vos, Estévez & Walraven (1990) were
"slightly smoothed to remove obvious data noise."
Click here
for the original functions.
Stiles, W. S. & Burch, J. M. (1955). Interim report to the Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage Zurich, 1955, on the National Physical Laboratory's investigation of colour-matching. Optica Acta, 2, 168-181.
Stiles, W. S. & Burch, J. M. (1959). NPL colour-matching investigation: Final report. Optica Acta, 6, 1-26.
Vos, J. J., Estévez, O. & Walraven, P. L. (1990). Improved color fundamentals offer a new view on photometric additivity. Vision Research, 30, 936-943.